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Smartphone news: Bad effects of using cellphone on health.

Mobile phone - nowadays is very essential for us.We cannot move a single moment without it. But excess using of anything is very bad. Many experts have shown that the use of cell phones lead to negative effects in the long term. Here are few points for you:

1.Brain cancer

Mobile phone radiation is very damaging to the brain. Researchers have stated that the band of frequencies generated by our cell phone players heat upwards the brain tissue. They Prove the fact that the brain absorbs the radiation emitted by mobile. And the World Health Organization has classified these RF fields are carcinogenic. This means that the exposure may increase the risk of brain cancer. You can minimize it’s usage by switching it off whenever possible.In addition, keep the phone away from you while you are asleep. This will be good for your health.

2. Lack of concentration.

Mobilephone is a part and percel of our daily life. But now there is an important question that is a mobile phone belongs to us! The researchers found that most people menu screen for control of intolerance, email, apps and news well see low quite something again. During the study, the reaction time in emergency 23% when longer than usual text messages. This is perhaps why talking on a mobile phone while driving against the laws of many countries. The use of mobile phones reduces your ability to concentrate. You take more time to resolve the question of whether it is mathematical, or approaching the car breaks to avoid any accident.

3.General diseases.

Many experts said that your cellphone makes you sick! Your mobile phone may be germ-packed by varieties way.You have just washed your hands from a disinfectant soap and it is the time for your meals.When your mobilephone flashes, you will must take it. By touching the mobilephone, 30% of all virus and bacteria were transmitted to your hands and at last into your body.You might not fall sick at once but it is sure that you will suffer in long term.

4. Eye problems

Excess of using mobilephone, there are various problems such as phone  fatigue eye, headaches, dry eyes and blurred vision. This has been proven by many researchers. In addition, keep a distance of at least 16 inches between the mobile screen and your eyes. If you read longer (more than a few minutes), take regular breaks, 20 seconds.

5.Increase pressure

You bought your phone. So you have no time to relax at all. You expect the prosecution of a person to reach you via cell phone. It's stress for you (you don't realize however!). This constant pressure can actually make people think their echo of new call or message.You can start by switching off your cellphone for an hour every day. It can assists you to be relax for a while.

6. Cardiac risk

It was found that cell phones emit radiation, forcing the hemoglobin of red blood cells for the drop by drop. Hemoglobin and then accumulates in the body, and this can lead to health complications, including heart disease. Maybe that's why, plus you can keep the mobile phone in the front pocket of your shirt. People with pacemakers strictly prohibited for heart disease to keep the phone near the heart.

 7. Hearing impairment

Mobilephone can damage the power of hearing. People who are exposed to long-term mobile phone use a higher risk to develop a hearing loss. Today, there are an increasing number of aged between 18 and 25 years with hearing loss. Doctors consider excessive use of mobile phones and other gadgets of the main causes behind it. People who spend more than two hours to three hours on a cell phone on a daily basis involves the risk of partial deafness over three to five years.

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